IB Biology Resources
Mr. Baughman's Homepage
Biology Homepage
IB Biology Homepage
GOHS Homepage
Internal Assessment Ideas for Internal 2 and 3.doc
Data and Graphing Guidelines from IB.docx
Graphing Guidelines (Good!)
Uncertainties and Data Processing
Uncertainties for common instruments.pdf
Best- Fit Line information for lab reports
IB Biology Vocabulary by Topic
Extended Essay Exemplar 1 2008.pdf
Extended Essay Exemplar1 2008 marksheet and comments.rtf
Group 4 Stuff:
Group 4 project Guidelines 2015.docx
Group 4: Peer Evaluations (Fill out one form per Group Member)
Group 4 Self Evaluation (Fill out one form for yourself)
Group 4 project summary and LOG.pdf
IB Biology Websites
Useful websites for biology by topic.doc
Animations and Other resources (Very Good!)
Great 3D Photosynthesis Animation
Great 3D Respiration Animation
Topic 2: Cells
Harvard Cell Animation http://multimedia.mcb.harvard.edu/
Cancer Warrior Assignment
Fenner Nature Center, Lansing, Michigan, 4 Seasons 2006-2007 [Online image] <http://www.flickr.com/photos/aunto/1136093061/>