Score of 6 (HSEE 4)


A paper in this category demonstrates clear and consistent competence though it may have occasional errors.  Such a paper


q       Effectively and insightfully addresses the writing task

q       Is well organized and fully developed

q       Uses clearly appropriate examples to support ideas

q       Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating accuracy and precision of information



Score of 5 (HSEE 4-/3+)


A paper in this category demonstrates reasonably consistent competence though it may have occasional errors or lapses in quality.  Such a paper


q       Effectively addresses the writing task

q       Is generally well organized and developed

q       Uses appropriate examples to support ideas

q       Displays facility in the use of language, demonstrating accuracy and precision of information


Score of 4 (HSEE 3)


A paper in this category demonstrates adequate competence with occasional errors and lapses in quality.  Such a paper


q       Addresses the writing task

q       Is organized and adequately developed

q       Displays adequate but inconsistent facility in the use of language, presenting some errors in grammar or diction

q       Presents some information



Score of 3 (HSEE 2)


A paper in this category demonstrates developing competence.  Such a paper may contain one or more of the following weaknesses


q       Inadequate organization or development

q       Inappropriate or insufficient details/support

q       An accumulation of errors in grammar, diction, or sentence structure

q       Does not present enough information accurately or precisely



Score of 2 (HSEE Low 2)


A paper in this category demonstrates some incompetence.  One or more of the following weaknesses flaws such a paper:


q       Poor organization

q       Thin development

q       Little or inappropriate detail to support ideas

q       Frequent errors in grammar, diction, and sentence structure

q       Does not present enough information accurately or precisely



Score of 1 (HSEE 1)


A paper in this category demonstrates incompetence.  One or more of the following weaknesses seriously flaws such a paper:


q       Very poor organization

q       Very thin development

q       Usage and syntactical errors so severe that meaning is obscured

q       Does not present enough information accurately or precisely