Symbols and Charges for Monoatomic Ions
Fixed Charge
Symbol         Name                   Symbol         Name
H+              hydrogen ion           H-              hydride
Li+             lithium ion            F-              fluoride
Na+             sodium ion             Cl-             chloride
K+              potassium ion          Br-             bromide
Rb+             rubidium ion           I-              iodide
Cs+             cesium ion             O2-             oxide
Be2+            beryllium ion          S2-             sulfide
Mg2+            magnesium ion          Se2-            selenide
Ca2+            calcium ion            Te2-            telluride
Sr2+            strontium ion          N3-             nitride
Ba2+            barium ion             P3-             phosphide
Ra2+            radium ion             As3-            arsenide
Ag+             silver ion
Zn2+            zinc ion               Al3+            aluminum ion
Note that the letters in an ion's name before the -ide ending is the stem.
For example, the stem for bromide is brom-. Also, just in case, the P for
phosphide is a capital P.
Symbols and Charges for Monoatomic Ions
Variable Charge
        Systematic name Common                 Systematic name Common
Symbol  (Stock system) name           Symbol  (Stock system) 	name
Cu+     copper(I)      cuprous        	Hg22+    mercury(I)     	mercurous
Cu2+    copper(II)     cupric         	Hg2+    	mercury(II)    	mercuric
Fe2+    iron(II)       ferrous        	Pb2+    	lead(II)       	plumbous
Fe3+    iron(III)      ferric         	Pb4+    	lead(IV)       	plumbic
Sn2+    tin(II)        stannous       	Co2+    	cobalt(II)     	cobaltous
Sn4+    tin(IV)        stannic        	Co3+    	cobalt(III)    	cobaltic
Cr2+    chromium(II)   chromous       	Ni2+    	nickel(II)     	nickelous
Cr3+    chromium(III)  chromic        	Ni4+    	nickel(IV)     	nickelic
Mn2+    manganese(II)  manganous      	Au+     	gold(I)        	aurous
Mn3+    manganese(III) manganic       	Au3+    	gold(III)      	auric
Symbols and Charges for Polyatomic Ions
Formula        	Name                   Formula        	Name
NO31-            nitrate                ClO41-           	perchlorate
NO21-            nitrite                ClO31-           	chlorate
CrO42-          	chromate               ClO21-           	chlorite
Cr2O72-          dichromate             ClO1-            	hypochlorite
CN1-             cyanide                IO41-            	periodate
MnO41-           permanganate           IO31-            	iodate
OH1-             hydroxide              IO1-             hypoiodite
O22-            	peroxide               BrO31-           	bromate
NH2-            	amine                  BrO1-            	hypobromite
CO32-           	carbonate              HCO31-           	hydrogen carbonate (bicarbonate)
SO42-           	sulfate                HSO41-           	hydrogen sulfate (bisulfate)
SO32-           	sulfite                HSO31-           	hydrogen sulfite (bisulfite)   
C2O42-           oxalate                HC2O41-          	hydrogen oxalate (binoxalate)
PO43-           	phosphate              HPO42-          	hydrogen phosphate     
PO33-           	phosphite              H2PO41-          	dihydrogen phosphate   
S2O32-           thiosulfate            HS1-             	hydrogen sulfide               
AsO43-          	arsenate               BO33-           	borate
SeO42-          	selenate               B4O72-           	tetraborate
SiO32-          	silicate               SiF62-          	hexafluorosilicate
C4H4O62-         	tartrate	       SCN1-		thiocyanate
C2H3O21-         acetate  (an alternate way to write acetate is CH3COO- and it is called ethanoate)
NH4+		ammonium
Note: Writing just the plus sign or minus sign for ions with +1 or -1 charges is 